What You Need To Do Today To Improve Your Poker Game
It does not matter if you want to raise your stakes or just improve your overall strategy. Most PokerCC players play better when they know better.
One of the ways you can improve your high or low stakes game is to follow some simple tips listed below.
Say, for example, you want to play Texas Hold’Em. Well, Texas Hold ‘Em is played much differently than say Seven Card Stud or Razz. You need to learn the different hands played for the game you are involved in. You also need to how to read the signs, as well as various other aspects.
The only way to go from a low-level stakes player to a high one is to get familiar with the game. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of some game and starting to yourself, “Am I beating a straight or royal flush?”
How can you graduate from low-level stakes to high-level stakes when you do not even know the game? Learn the rules and positions first. Worry about raising the stakes after that.
2)Low-Level Stakes
I have a few secrets that I want to share about learning low-level stakes first. You are going to feel much more comfortable, in the beginning, knowing that you are not risking a whole lot. You probably will lose some money, here and there, but, it is not going to be large enough to make you scared of breaking the bank.
It is much better to play with the weak players, right now, and learn the ropes. You might as well start handing your money over the stronger players if you do not.
Low-level stakes let you get an overall view of the game, including the bigger picture. Once again, and I think I said this in my last blog, You never start swimming in the deep end before you spend time in the kiddie pool.
3)Tight and Aggressive
I am going to use the game of Texas Hold’Em again. A lot of beginners like to play wide and open up a lot of hands. The goal is to play your strongest hand when you begin. That way you keep your VPIP stats on the lower side. You want to avoid making tough choices post-flop.
The idea is to play less, but be aggressive when you do. Doing that will place you above the fray compared to other beginners. The goal is to observe and learn as much as you can now, so you can move into a higher-stakes game later. You want to hold better cards before the pre-flop.
There’s a great youtube video on it:
One more thing: Only play when you feel good and positive about the day. Negative thinking is going to ruin your long-term capabilities.
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